Professionalism, meticulousness, knowledge and helpfulness - all these qualities adorn our lawyer Marko, a young lawyer who is always ready to help our clients to the maximum. After an extremely successful internship in the well-known Split law firm and passing the bar exam with special honors (cum laude), Marko opened his own independent law office. Ambition and desire for knowledge are factors that direct Marko to further training in law, with a special focus on real estate and land registry law.



    Berislaviceva 4

    Gajeva Straat 15

    Radnicka cesta 52, Green Gold

    Horvacanska cesta 160

Split, Mike Tripala Straat 4

Rovinj, Promenade van de Raad van Europa, ACI Rovinj

Pula, Ciscuttijeva 7

Porec, Partizanska 4

Dubrovnik, Dr. Ante Starcevica 24




+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

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